Students of Scandinavian Studies will be able to acquire a wide-range education, different skills and knowledge during their studies. The course provides liberal arts, special Scandinavian and philological studies, language skills on high level, special knowledge of Scandinavian languages and cultures. Students will gain comprehensive cultural, historical and literary knowledge regarding the whole region of Scandinavia and specifically regarding a chosen Scandinavian language/country. In the scope of the Master course, students will have opportunities of specializations in linguistics and philology based on core studies, and preparation for possible academic fields.
Dr. Péter Mádl
Head of the Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literatures
+36 1 485 5200 EXT. 4313
Rákóczi út 5. I. em. 105
Dr. Péter Mádl
Head of the Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literatures
+36 1 485 5200 EXT. 4313