The robust presence of the United States throughout the world, well observable in the contexts of politics, economy, and culture, calls for a body of experts who – aside from having excellent English language skills – have a specialised knowledge in the history, politics, society, culture, language, and literature of the United States. With this aim in mind, the MA programme in American Studies seeks to impart its graduates with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills that can be fruitfully utilised in both private and public sector establishments interested in the communication and/or representation of American values and interests.
The two-year long programme does not confer teaching qualifications. Students are eligible for admission to PhD programmes.
Dr. Hordós Marianna
Senior Lecturer at the School of English and American Studies
+36 1 485 5200 EXT. 4364
Rákóczi út 5. ép. III. em. 323.
Prof. Dr. Zoltán Kövecses
Program Director
+36 1 485 5200 EXT. 4301