The MA program consists of a basic common component compulsory for everybody (68 credits) and an optional specialisation (22 credits). The basic component covers studies in descriptive and historical linguistics as well as in literary criticism, and it also contains language practice seminars. The MA program gives an opportunity to choose from four different specialisations:
1) Russian linguistics, 2) the history of Russian literature and literary criticism, 3) “Russian literature – world literature” – comparative studies, 4) intercultural communication (a particular specialisation only begins in any given year providing there are sufficient applicants).
The MA program prepares students to become well-trained specialists in Russian philology and gives them high-level competence in the language. In their diploma work students can gain a specialised knowledge in one chosen subfield of Russian philology, for which they may be prepared by participating in the various special courses
Bence Szabó Imre, MA
Doctoral Student
+36 1 411 6500 EXT. 5106
Múzeum krt. 4/D fszt. 7.
Prof. Dr. Katalin Kroó
Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature
+36 1 411 6700 EXT. 5238